Saturday, January 30, 2010

Joseph Spencer Gospel CD Release Concert

Let's start with the CD. I have a copy in the car. I'm considering buying another copy for my house. One of my days started with a spirit of discouragement. I forced myself to go to work; when I got in the car and played Joseph Spencer's CD, suddenly I was not discouraged. I discovered that praise and worship can't coexist with discouragement.

Joseph Spencer is an awesome praise and worship leader!!!

Buy his CD/DVD. Sample on this myspace page:

The highly anticipated gospel CD release concert in Southern California.

Finding a praise & worship 'flavor' concert a decade ago was really difficult to come by. Since Judith McAllister's CD in the early nineties, praise and worship teams have exploded in Black churches: small, large, storefront, mega churches across America and in most denominations. Unfortunately, the praise and worship teams varies like the songs they select to sing. What is occurring are small group "performances", and/or what I call a glorified "song service". Though tempted, it is not the purpose of this post to define Praise and Worship. The purpose is to report that the CD Release Concert was off the chain.

In this recession, you carefully choose what ticketed gospel concert you attend, and you are really reluctant to check out the free ones. This free CD Release Concert should have charged for admission. It was that good.

All the back up singers could have done a CD--great voices. The stage presence showed that this group spent time in preparing and wanted to present nothing less than a professional showing. Not only did they look (business causal first half and dressy second half) and sound good, but they ministered to those of us in the audience. I don't know if the band is the same band as on the CD, but the live band had their own ministry going on. I must admit, I got side track by grooving on them a few times during the concert. The proceeds of the offering went to the Haiti earthquake relief, which tells you even more about this artist, Minister Spencer. The mass choir on the second half was made up of singers from three different churches, including the host church. Minister Spencer, a member of Temple Missionary Baptist, provides his music ministry appropriately well to varies faiths.

The concert was almost flawless, I say almost because there was a selection done by an artist during the offering which was fine, but it didn't have a ending--sort of faded away. It was an awkward moment after experiencing such precision in concert performances by Joesph Spencer and his singers. Be not alarm, I was probably the only one who noticed this, after all, many took that time as the intermission. Jamal McCoy personal "living room style" of hosting was very refreshing. He was able to make the audience feel good about being there even before the show started and he kept it flowing in not your typical MC way but it was very effective.

Have not decided which song on the CD is my favorite. It depends on my mood. What is certain is that it's a CD that will uplift and inspire you regardless of your mood. If you missed the electrifying anointed concert, check out the CD.

Kudos to Joseph Spencer's First CD Release.

Now I can resume my shout,


  1. To God be the glory for He has done magnificent things. Thanks Willie for your words of encouragement came right on time.

  2. Wow! Joseph has a CD. I remember him being really talented on piano and directing a choir, but I never heard him sing. Since you highly recommend it I will go buy it as soon as I get a chance.

  3. You can purchase the CD on iTunes or

  4. Trust me u're not the only one who noticed that akward moment during the offering...Let's be honest and say that it just sucked, shall we??
    Everything else was off the chain tho
