Saturday, November 28, 2009

A War For Your Soul

Sometimes I'm frustrated while talking to hi-risk youth wondering if I'm making a difference. This 18 min film will help has I show it to one youth at a time. The only missing element in the film is that it doesn't address the question: What Now? These kids need jobs, training for skill labor, finances for college, skills in mastering effective relationships, etc. But I agree with the film's message which is a good starting point. What is also potent about this film is that it should stimulate those of us who have become complacent in our suburban homes and in our inner city churches (where we drive into once a week to attend). This film highlight the war for all of our souls.

Please click on the link and watch at your convenience.

Concern and hopeful,


  1. Thought provoking to say the least.

    How true it is that Blacks have done things to hurt themselves, and, likewise, have been severely hampered by institutional racism... We must all account for our own deeds, and take the blame OR credit for being our own devil or angel...

    One observation I've made about the video is it is big on the heroic Southern past, but slight on the bright universal future... Could that also be a problem within the Black community that we have invested more significance to past victories than future endeavors?

    Now that Obama is President, do we Blacks now think we've gotten over, or are we more willing to work at the grassroots level for the legislation that benefits our community than the bigoted "Tea Partiers" are for theirs? If we can change some of the legislation in states where Blacks are more likely to serve crimes for petty crimes while white collar criminals get bailouts from the government, there would be less Blacks in prison.

    Is Robert Johnson who was characterized as a Black success story in the video, and a person who made billions selling "Nigga" hip-hop videos over BET airwaves, partly responsible for some of the violence and ignorance that plagues the Black community?

    No doubt... We all must make an account for how we live our lives regardless of the circumstances... But there are circumstances that cannot be ignored.

    Your blog is quite the read, and you must keep up the great commentary!


  2. Wow. Very powerful. Satan is hard at work to discourage us all, no matter who we are. We must keep calling on God, keep Him our focus. Even when it seems He is not there.

    Thanks for sharing this Willie.
