Monday, June 7, 2010

Missing your own graduation?

Laurel Enix
Loma Linda Academy
Class of 2010

Laurel's graduation was at 6 pm yesterday on the lawn behind the school. At 2 a.m. she became very sick (stomach flu). At 3pm, a friend of the family sat in the hot sun reserving seats for the family. At 4:30pm another family friend, Heidi and her daughters, made certain that the row of seats remain reserved for the Holmes-Enix families. At 6:15pm, how disappointed we were that Laurel was not in the line to march. [granted we saw her march in on Friday night and Saturday morning, but those services were not commencement]. Before the processional was completed, we got word from Debbie that Laurel was getting ready and will come just to walk across the stage. One of the class sponsors found a cool room in the building for her to wait until diploma time. When her row stood up to receive their diplomas, Laurel appeared. Smiles replaced the sundry facial expressions of her family and love ones. When her name was called, we cheered for two reasons: the completion from high school and for her improved health (answered --many prayers) to be present. She sat with her class (many sporting sun glasses as they were facing west as the sun was setting). Though not 100% well, Laurel stayed and was able to receive all the love, hugs, kisses from her friends and relatives.

I understand why people cry at graduations, it just never happens to me. Saturday night at the Class Night Talent Show, the students who participated walked out on this 45 feet or so runway. When I saw tall Laurel confidently strolling out there as if she was a professional model, it hit me that she wasn't that little girl anymore that I've watch grow up. How fortunate for me that it was dark in the audience with the spot light on the runway so that my tears of joy went unnoticed. Her father would have been so proud with his chest extended way out beyond normal. I can see myself saying to him "Ernest, stick that chest back in cause you look silly", only to watch him extend it further in protest of my comment. Of course her mother had enough pride for all us. Her excitement was wrapped with tiredness because she made the entire weekend very special for Laurel including a catered dinner at a local community center for family and friends. Laurel was also grinning for another reason beside graduating: her relatives from Pennsylvania and Florida flew out to support and congratulate her. (photo's attached).

My fashion consultant (casual wear) will attend Oakwood University in the Fall. Her roommate will be my brother's youngest daughter, Michonne. How confuse their friends will be when I visit to hear them both call me Uncle.

I'm sure at all future Holmes-Enix family gatherings, the subject of almost missing your own graduation will be discussed. How happy we all are that Laurel Enix didn't have to miss hers.

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